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VP Newsletter 26 July 2024

VP Newsletter 26 July 2024 published on No Comments on VP Newsletter 26 July 2024

Message from the office

I feel it is necessary to inform our parent body of the predicament we find ourselves in with regards to our Fergusson Field after the National Arts Festival. Unfortunately the rehabilitation of our field has not been as hoped and we are unable to use it currently. As VGHS’ main field is also being rehabilitated we are unfortunately unable to use theirs either.

We are grateful to Kingswood College who offered their grass fields and netball courts for our Herbert Hurd fixture.  However this is far from ideal as we would have preferred to host them on our own beautiful campus. The school’s SGB are working tirelessly and seeking advice on how to rectify this situation but it may very well take time. We have made alternate plans so that our extramurals can continue in the interim.

Please note that if you are attending the matches on Saturday at Kingswood the tea/coffee station is only for staff/parents. Please ensure that your daughter understands that these refreshments are for adults and that they may not help themselves.

Worker of the Week

Congratulations to Elizabeth Adlem for the work she did for Mandela Day, she informed me that “Mandela saved our country!” Well done, Elizabeth!

Indlulamthi Badges

We are so proud of Zingce Pilisani and Ayomide Booi who were both presented with their badges at Monday’s assembly. We are so proud of you both. Keep being such good ambassadors of our school.


Thank you to Grade 2 Olivier’s delightful assembly on appreciating our uniqueness and on working together.

Merit Achievers

Unako Dlepu, Iviwe Jakavula, Christelle Ruvanza and Sairaah Govender have received over 250 merits so far this year. Keep up the hard work, girls!

Production at Kingswood College

On Monday, 29 July our Grade 2s & 3s will be going to Kingswood College to watch the show “You are Special”.  Please make sure that your daughter is neatly dressed in her winter school uniform. No sports clothes/tracksuits please.

Best Speakers and Interhouse General Knowledge

On Thursday, 1 August we will have our Best Speakers and Interhouse General Knowledge challenges.

The Best Speaker contestants will start the event off at 08:30. The girls who are selected to present their orals will receive letters. Parents are welcome to attend.

Interhouse General Knowledge

On Thursday, 1 August at 10:30 we will be holding our annual Interhouse General Knowledge Quiz. The teams have been selected based on our weekly general knowledge quiz results as well as the girls’ academic marks. The top-performing girls from the interhouse quiz will then represent VP in the quiz

against Graeme College on Tuesday, 13 August.

The Interhouse Teams are as follows:

Aloe: Aleesia Jonker, Amila Mdingi, Lunathi Mkosana, Hlalumi Balfour.

Arum: Lunathi Zikishe, Emilie Niesing, Stella Mullin, Sanelisiwe Mbete.

Disa: Emily Steele, Unako Dlepu, Manahil Rizvi, Talitha Dingani.

Fern: Maya Christian, Azile Hambaze, Amyoli Sesani, Avuzwa Vusani.

We wish the teams all the best for what promises to be a fun educational event.

Chamber Choir

The VP Chamber Choir has been invited to perform in collaboration with the Rhodes University Chamber Choir (RUCC) on Saturday, 10 August at the Rhodes Chapel, as part of a fundraising concert for the RUCC’s Western Cape choir tour.

Enjoy this wonderful experience, girls!


On Saturday, 20 July our girls participated in a chess tournament at Kingswood College. They did very well and it was a wonderful experience. The following participants achieved a Top 10 position in their category:

Section B

3rd – Ifeoma Nnadozie

4th – Alibongwe Mthembu

8th – Liyanda Kutta

10th – Cassandra Radovic

Section C

3rd – Makatendeka Chakona

4th – Ella Radovic

7th – Bridget Akpeng

Well done, girls!


Swimming Report
We congratulate Danielle McLean and Lilani Wolmarans who represented the PEA Swim Club at the PEA Gala in Gqeberha from 15-18 June. They both swam in various events in their age groups and achieved some personal best times. We wish them all the best at the upcoming A league galas and for the Madibaz Gala happening on the 17 and 18 August. Keep it up, girls!

Kingswood Hockey results

u13A lost 3-0; u13B lost 3-0; u13C lost 1-0; u10A lost 7-0; u11A lost 5-1

Interhouse Hockey results

A big thank you to all the girls for a fun- filled hockey day. Your support at the junior and senior hockey was phenomenal and you made your houses proud. The juniors carried our seniors scoring 20 goals in total.

The results are as follows:

  • 1st Fern
  • 2nd Disa
  • 3rd Arum
  • 4th Aloe

Interhouse Netball results

Well done to all the players and supporters, a fun and competitive afternoon was had by all!

The results are as follows:

  • 1st Fern
  • 2nd Aloe
  • 3rd Arum
  • 4th Disa

VP vs Herbert Hurd

On Saturday, 27 July selected hockey and netball teams will be participating in matches against Herbert Hurd at Kingswood. The matches will start at 09:00 and should end at approximately 11:45. Girls are to arrive at least 45 minutes before the start of their games. Play well, girls!

The fixtures are as follows:

Hockey fixtures on Gane Field A & B

09:00-09:25 (GF B):  VP U9B      VP U10B

09:25-10:00 (GF B):  VP U9A      VP U10A

09:00-09:45 (GF A):  VP U13C

09:50-10:35 (GF A):  VP U13B

10:35-11:20 (GF A):  VP U13A

Netball fixtures at Kingswood Junior School courts

09:00   U12A

09:30  U13A

Netball vs DSG Fixtures,

On Saturday, 27 July the U11A/B/C, U12B and the U13B/C netball girls will be playing matches against DSG at DSG. Girls are to arrive at least 45 minutes before the start of their games.

Play well, girls!

The fixtures are as follows:


Court 3: DSG U11C-U11C VP

Court 4: DSG U12D-U12C VP


Court 2: DSG U11A-U11A VP

Court 3: DSG U12A-U13C VP

Court 4: DSG U12C-U12B VP


Court 2: DSG U13A-U13B VP

Court 3: DSG U11B-U11B VP

Please note that girls supporting our teams at Kingswood College and DSG must be dressed in their school uniform or tracksuit.

Athletics programme

On Monday, 29 July we begin our Athletics season. Please see the new extramural schedule which accompanies this newsletter.

Trolley Dash (PTA Fundraiser)

This is the last week to sell tickets for this fundraiser.  The booklets are due to be returned on Monday, 5 August. Please assist your child to sell at least one booklet which

consists of 5 tickets. Prizes will go to the individual and class who sells the most tickets.

Donation request

Mrs Olivier requests donations of old newspapers and Mrs Calitz requests donations of old spectacle frames (without the lens).


Ms Knott-Craig requests donations of toiletries such as deodorant, sanitary pads, soap and lotion for the African Connection Girls’ Soccer team in Makhanda.


A reminder to parents to please not drop items off for your daughter during the school day. We understand the occasional crisis arises and we are more than happy to receive your daughter’s birthday treats on her special day but unfortunately the office is currently kept extremely busy just receiving lunches, sports clothes, books etc. Please encourage your daughter to prepare her school items including lunch, the night before and pack them in her bag. Thanks so much for your assistance in this regard.

We wish the following staff and girls a very happy birthday for this and next week:

Mrs Terblanche, Mr Florence, Berlynne Willemse, Linamandla Dlakwe, Libby Everton, Zintle Magongo, Ababalwe Ngwetsheni, Lelona Manyati, Lulo Leseane and Phumelela Nikelo. We hope you have a very happy day!


Mrs Rafferty

PRINCIPAL                                 UPCOMING EVENTS

Sat. 27/07 ·         Hockey & Netball vs Herbert Hurd at Kingswood College

·         Netball vs DSG @DSG



·         Grade 2&3 to go to Kingswood. Winter school uniform.

·         Athletics begin

Thurs. 1/08 ·         Interhouse Best Speakers (08:30) & General Knowledge (10:30)
Fri. 2/08 ·         Grade 7 Committee meetings
Sat. 3/08 ·         Hockey vs PAHS @PAHS

·         Hockey U13A vs Cape Recife @Cape Recife

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