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VP Newsletter 30 August 2024

VP Newsletter 30 August 2024 published on No Comments on VP Newsletter 30 August 2024

Message from the office

I cannot express how important parental interest and involvement is, and how big an impact it has on your daughter’s academic performance and motivation. We have so many girls who strive to work to the best of their ability because they know that they have their parents’ backing and support and that their academics are important to their whole family. On the flip side it is so disheartening when children work way below their potential, are unmotivated and disinterested, no matter what the teacher does in the classroom, and this is more often than not, due to a lack of support and interest shown from home. I have often spoken about the importance of the partnership between the teacher and parent/ guardian when it comes to the support of every child’s academics, so when there is no or little parental involvement, there is not that dual support of the child, and teachers’ efforts are greatly thwarted.

Primary school aged children work for external motivation i.e. for praise and recognition from others, and are not yet able to decide that they will work for themselves so that they can be the best version of themselves. They thrive on family support, input and encouragement.

How can you ensure that you are supporting your daughter’s academics?

  • Ask her about her day and how her lessons went and what she learnt.
  • Do you know who her teachers are? Who are her favourites and who are her not-so favourites? If you do (and it is August), you are paying attention to her daily schooling.
  • Check her diary and make sure that she is organised and prepared.
  • Check her homework and make her do it to the best of her ability.
  • Help her to study for her tests and be eager to get her results.
  • Be aware of her upcoming events on her school calendar and support her any way you can.
  • Hold her accountable when she doesn’t perform well or does not complete tasks. Put in measures so this doesn’t happen again.
  • Meet with her teachers if you are concerned or if you just want to touch base.
  • Provide an environment at home that allows your daughter to focus on her homework and have a good night’s sleep during the week and on a Sunday.
  • When it is report time, spend time discussing her results with her, positive and negative. Put measures in place to support her where needed and praise her efforts when she has done well and/or shown improvement.

Your daughter’s education cannot be left at the doorstep of her teachers, there is only so much she can do. Parental involvement can ensure a child thrives and achieves her full potential.

Award winning teacher:  We are delighted to announce that Ms Knott-Craig was awarded the prize for Excellence in Intermediate Phase Teaching at the first ever Makhanda Teacher Awards ceremony. We are so proud of you, Kerry-Lee. Your hard work and dedication towards our VP girls is most appreciated by all and we are thrilled that this has been recognised by the Makhanda community.

Indlulamthi Badge:  Congratulations to Emihle Kulati who was awarded her Indlulamthi Badge at Monday’s assembly. We are so proud of you, Emihle!

Worker of the Week:  Our Worker of the Week is Lubeluhle Peteni in Grade 1 for her wonderful sentences and for hugging everyone in the office!

Merit Achievers:  Azuza Mbiza, Ithandile-Inkosi Meke, Jazlin Crafford, Micarlin Daniels and Siyasisanda Nene have received over 250 merits so far this year. Keep it up, girls!

Tennis Achievement:  Marizaan Boucher played in a tennis South Africa tournament over the weekend in Gqeberha. She won all her matches and was also the overall winner in her division. Well done, Marizaan! We are all super proud of you.

Grade & 7 Social ‘Disco Theme’

Our Grade 6&7s will enjoy their Social at VP this evening. Entrance is R20 and there will be a tuckshop (cash only). The event starts at 18h00 and the music will be turned off at 20:50. All girls must be fetched promptly by 21:00 from the Beaufort Street hall entrance. Please arrange reliable and safe transport for your girls and ensure that you are waiting by 21:00. No VP girl will be allowed to walk home.

Choir Performance

Our Senior Choir, Junior Choir and Chamber Choir will be performing at the Monument on Saturday. Girls must be dropped off by 08:30 and fetched by 11:30. Register will be taken at 08:30 so girls must be prompt, and they are to be neatly dressed in full winter uniform.

Please feel free to join us for a beautiful morning of song. Entrance is free.

Music Concert on Saturday

08:30 – 09:00 Arrival/Ensembles Registration

09:00 – 09:10 Welcome

09:10 – 09:25 African Melodic Remedies African Ensemble

09:35 – 09:50 VP Junior Choir

10:00 – 10:15 VP Senior Choir

10:25 – 10:40 Victoria Voices Chamber Choir

10:50 – 11:05 Kingswood Choir

11:15 – 11:30 Makhanda Kwantu Choir Youth Choir

VP Productions

Don’t delay buying your tickets for our two productions. They are on sale for R20 from the school office.

The Pre-primary and Foundation Phase production of Sanibonani namkelekile! will take place on the following days: Wednesday, 18 September 13:00-14:00 & Thursday, 19 September 13:00-14:00.

The Intersen Phase production of African Queen will take place on the following days: Monday, 16 September 17:30-18:30 & Thursday, 19 September 17:30-18:30.  There are a limited number of seats so please buy your tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Grade 7 Outing

The Grade 7s will be travelling to Boknes for their annual outing on Friday, 6 September. We wish them, and the teachers accompanying them, a safe trip and a fun interactive experience.

Page Palooza 

DSG Junior school, in partnership with Lebone Centre, are challenging our community to pick up a book and READ! This community outreach aims to encourage girls from Grade 4-7 to read as many pages as possible in the week of the 5th-11th September. Parents are encouraged to sponsor their children a nominal amount per page (10/20 cents per page etc).  All funds raised will be used to purchase books from Book Dash for R25 per book and distributed to young learners in Makhanda. Girls who are interested in taking part must please ensure they get their sponsorship form from Mrs Sauls.


In preparation for our productions coming up soon, we will be focusing on rehearsals in the afternoons. Our girls who are in the triangular team will also have practices to prepare for the triangular interschools event. All girls Grade 1-7 will finish at 14h00 unless they have a production practice, triangular athletics practice, tennis practice or need to attend their reading group session.

Please note the schedule for next week:

Monday, 2 September:

07:30 – 08:00 Chamber Choir

Production Practice:

13:00 -14:00 Grade 4 & 5 in hall

14:00 -15:00 Grade 6 & 7 in hall

Triangular Practice:

14:00 -14:45 Relay Practice U9 – U13


14:00 -15:00 Beginner Tennis Gr. 2&3

Reading Group:

15:00 -16:00 Grade 4-6 Reading Groups with Ms Knott-Craig

Tuesday, 3 September:07:15 – 07:45 Senior Coir

07:30 – 08:00 Junior Choir

Production Practice: 

13:00 -14:00 Grade 6 & 7 in hall

14:00 -15:00 Grade 4 & 5 in hall

Triangular Practice:

14:00 -15:00 Relay Practice U9 – U13


14:00 -15:25 First Team

Reading Group: 

15:00 -16:00 Grade 4 – 6 Reading Groups with Ms Knott-Craig

Wednesday, 4 September:07:15 – 07:45 Senior Choir

07:30 – 08:00 Junior Choir

Production Practice: 

13:00 -14:00 Grade 4 & 5 in hall

14:00 -15:00 Grade 6 & 7 in hall


Thursday, 5 September07:15 – 07:45 Senior Choir

Production Practice: 

13:00 -14:00 Grade 6 & 7 in hall

14:00 -15:00 Grade 4 & 5 in hall


15:00 -16:00 First team

Friday, 6 September 13:00 -14:00 Orchestra

13:00 -14:00 Chamber Choir

 Birthday wishes

We wish the following girls a very happy birthday for next week: Nima Ntsepo, Avethandwa Xhango,Ukum Pikoli, Lakhe Jubase. Grace Ruwanza, Ophilayo Same, Lulo Adam, Lolwethu Makana and Simisa Mtyapi.  We hope you have a very happy day!


Mrs Rafferty


Fri. 30/08 ·         Grade 6/7 Social @VP




·         SGB Budget meeting 13:00

·         Triangular Athletics

Fri. 6/09 ·         Grade 7 Outing


·         Production cushion show


·         Production (Gr 4-7) 17:30-18:30
Tues. 17/09 ·         Opening of the JC Art School Exhibition – by invitation


·         Production (Gr 00-3) 13:00-14:00

·         SGB AGM 17:15



·         Production (Gr 00-3) 13:00-14:00

·         Production (Gr 4-7) 17:30-18:30

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